Week Notes 29
Week Notes for October 21 - 27, 2024
Things I made:
- Tuesday Thoughts 04
- 2024 Softball Season Wrap
- Something to get excited about
- Introducing: Photos by Stephen Gower
- Forest as captured by an iPod Touch
- Unbelievable response to my Tuesday Thoughts post. In particular I heard from zakb, who told me that they admire MY writing and aspires to reach my level. Never thought I'd hear that.
- My wife and I picked out some new glasses over the weekend. We're happy with our choice, but now we're in that in-between period when we have to wait to get our new pair so it's hard to be excited about them yet.
Tech & Blog Stuff
- I decided after all to create an 11ty-based photo blog. I didn't intend to launch it last week, but I did! I was having a ton of fun putting it together piece-by-piece, and created a changelog to track my progress. I ended up launching it on Thursday. Check it out! https://photos.srgower.com
- For the longest time I was editing files on Github one at a time, pushing one file at a time, wondering how I could edit multiple files before pushing the commit. I found out by accident that Github has its own code editor similar to Visual Studio Code. And it does exactly what I want. I feel a little dumb.
- Heard "Lost in Space" by Foster the People. I liked it - it has the familiar FTP sound, but still different. It's an evolution.
- Finished A Perfect Likeness by Richard Wagamese. It's a collection of two novellas: Him Standing and The Next Sure Thing. I thought that Him Standing was the better story, and initially made me think the other story was going to be similar in terms of referring to the supernatural. The Next Sure Thing wasn't exactly "spooky" but was still enjoyable, it just didn't stick with me the same way as Him Standing. What I liked about both is that it's about the protagonist getting trapped in a situation and making efforts to take back control. Nice allegory. Anyway overall I gave this book 3.5/5 stars.
- Cover song: "Are You That Somebody" by The Gossip (original by Aaliyah). Unfortunately can't find a link. I heard it from an Indie Rock Playlist I downloaded in 2006 or 2007.
- I started season 2 of The Good Place. Initially I didn't like the first two episodes of the season, thinking that the show didn't work as well knowing that - SPOILER ALERT - they're really in The Bad Place. The character dynamic of Ted Danson's Michael is just completely different when he's evil and talking to the other demons behind the scenes. BUT I soldiered on and I actually like the direction they're headed for season 2.